Monte-Carlo Sea Bathing Society

Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer offre depuis 1863 un Art de Vivre inédit, un Ressort unique au monde avec le prestigieux Casino de Monte-Carlo, 4 hôtels (Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo, Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo Beach, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort), les Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, 30 restaurants dont 5 réunissant 7 étoiles au Guide Michelin.
how to promote this wonderful range of events and exclusive experiences to local (individuals or companies) and international customers?
– via a solution of customizable, physical and digital gift cards for B2C or B2B customers
– which constitutes a “universal” payment method within the SBM Resort
– easy and operational for the Resort teams
– After the audit of several existing solutions, implementation of the most relevant
– A dedicated website:
– A 6-figure turnover from the first year
– very high customer satisfaction, particularly in the digital format.